How to Drive Multiple Live Displays for Pennies using MIPI

FREE IEEE Webinar: How to Drive Multiple Live Displays for Pennies using MIPI

The MIPI Display Serial Interface (DSI) and Camera Serial Interface 2 (CSI-2) are becoming key, low-cost industry standards for connecting video displays and cameras to a wide variety of embedded systems. You can now incorporate these MIPI interfaces into FPGA-based systems. Want to know more?

Xilinx and its Alliance members Xylon and Northwest Logic will be presenting a free Webinar to help you design MIPI's DSI and CSI-2 interfaces into your next system at a surprisingly low cost. If your system must fuse video streams from multiple cameras or if you need to drive multiple displays - even 4K cameras and displays - then this Webinar is especially for you. Working with video in automotive systems? You will also want to see this free Webinar because of the low-cost aspects of the MIPI video interfaces.


VIEW BRAND NEW VIDEO: Xilinx MIPI Video Demonstration System

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